A few reasons why we might be the right feet


Forex Bliss

We deliver currencies of more than 25 countries at your door step. Order with us now!


Safety first Vacation next

We know the hard work behind your money, hence we use our smart lock safes during delivery.


Bundle of Bucks

Buy Forex Cards at exact Inter-bank/ Mid-market Exchange Rates. Flexible card that makes your pocket lite.


Saving money
for you

Buy Forex Online at Live Rates. No made-up daily rates.


Travel Pre-Paid Card

Prepaid travel cards are secure and easy, making them a preferred choice for many travelers. Do you still personally visit various forex centers around your locality to find the best rates?

Our philosophy

Happy Customers

Beeforex believes in the term "HAPPY CUSTOMERS". We strive to get the best exchange rates for our customers and reliable timely delivery.

After having experience in foreign exchange platform for more than 2 decades, the company is ambitious to have stepped into the fast-moving era of digital world by providing to its customers currency exchange 24/7 online and door step delivery.

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Beeforex Online

Now, you can use Beeforex Online services to buy/sell foregin currency and to purchase the Forex Cards.
Our responsive website is device friendly and works on all internet enabled devices.

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Currency Market Prices

Live currency

Our customers can now view live pricing of various currencies on our website and can place an order at their fingertips by uploading required documents and waiting for one-time screening and approval from our side.

Try our Calculator

US Dollar

UK Pounds

Japanese Yen

Beeforex Services


Currency Exchange

Convert your rupees into any leading currency of the world and you’re all set!


Forex Cards

Load in INR and use anywhere in the world across VISA ATMs.


Home Delivery

Exchange (Buy/Sell) foregin currency at your door step, hassle free.


Hari Prasad RK

Just Food

“Absolutely wonderful service! I am completely blown away. The very best in Bangalore, India.”


Kiran Kandgal


“Could not beleive that I can receive the currency at my door step without any added/hidden costs.”


Arun Kumar R Shetty


“Hassle Free currency exchange at Beeforex. Keep up the good work guys. Way to go.”